Tanssi - Leveraging Polkadot To Change The Appchain Landscape

Tanssi - Leveraging Polkadot To Change The Appchain Landscape

Thursday, July 11, 2024 1:50 PM to 2:15 PM · 25 min. (Europe/Brussels)
Tech Stage


Appchains offer high customization and flexibility, which developers need to tailor their specific apps needs. Yet, the significant infrastructure demands often make deploying an appchain complex, slow, and costly. As a result, many builders opt for quicker, more convenient and centralized solutions like Layer 2s.

Tanssi is shifting the landscape by making appchain deployments quick and straightforward, reducing months of work into just minutes, without compromising on security or decentralization. With the right tools, developers can quickly launch their appchains, fully benefiting from dedicated block space, native interoperability, shared security, and more. By automating this process, Tanssi is poised to accelerate developer activity and spur new projects and use case adoption within the web3 space.

Discover Tanssi’s approach for accessible appchains at the upcoming talk!

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